Out Sick ... after a Dose of Headlines
Good morning, Byte-Sized-ers! We're H1N1-free over here, but I'm still sick with a raging sinus infection.
We'll keep it short and sweet today with a review of today's headlines before I collapse on my couch with a hot compress. Ugh.
-Are you a Mac? Well, here is a review of the new Mac mouse. Still doesn't have a right click.
-How often have you wanted a 'dislike' button on Facebook? A French engineer has created an unofficial workaround for Firefox that lets you do just that. Of course, you have to install the add-on and have other people do the same ...
-Want Windows 7 but don't know much about it? CNet's ambiguous PC reporter has the answer to your FAQs.
-OK, got your questions answered, now check out the top-rated and reviews netbooks for Windows 7.
-I love a good caffeine fix in the morning, but this is taking it to an extreme ...
-Apparently the Large Hadron Collider (oh, Hadron, you're at once the best and worst typo I've ever made on the LIVE Captivate Network) has been shut down again.
-If you have Adobe Shockwave on your machine, you should read this story about its security flaw. Like, now.
-Are you a tech-savvy novelist with a story to tell and no publisher? You can always self-publish your tome at any of these sites. But buyer beware: Real publishers don't really like buying books that have already been self-published. Just an FYI.
-Look who's jumping on the 'climate change is bad' bandwagon. A little late, dontcha think?
-And, finally, DigitalTrends is featuring a podcast today with the do's and don't's of texting and relationships -- probably worth your while before you change your Facebook relationship status after that last spat. Just saying.
See you all Monday, when hopefully I don't want to rip my own face off and suck out my sinuses with the pointy end of a vacuum cleaner :) Have a great weekend!
We'll keep it short and sweet today with a review of today's headlines before I collapse on my couch with a hot compress. Ugh.
-Are you a Mac? Well, here is a review of the new Mac mouse. Still doesn't have a right click.
-How often have you wanted a 'dislike' button on Facebook? A French engineer has created an unofficial workaround for Firefox that lets you do just that. Of course, you have to install the add-on and have other people do the same ...
-Want Windows 7 but don't know much about it? CNet's ambiguous PC reporter has the answer to your FAQs.
-OK, got your questions answered, now check out the top-rated and reviews netbooks for Windows 7.
-I love a good caffeine fix in the morning, but this is taking it to an extreme ...
-Apparently the Large Hadron Collider (oh, Hadron, you're at once the best and worst typo I've ever made on the LIVE Captivate Network) has been shut down again.
-If you have Adobe Shockwave on your machine, you should read this story about its security flaw. Like, now.
-Are you a tech-savvy novelist with a story to tell and no publisher? You can always self-publish your tome at any of these sites. But buyer beware: Real publishers don't really like buying books that have already been self-published. Just an FYI.
-Look who's jumping on the 'climate change is bad' bandwagon. A little late, dontcha think?
-And, finally, DigitalTrends is featuring a podcast today with the do's and don't's of texting and relationships -- probably worth your while before you change your Facebook relationship status after that last spat. Just saying.
See you all Monday, when hopefully I don't want to rip my own face off and suck out my sinuses with the pointy end of a vacuum cleaner :) Have a great weekend!