Byte-Sized's 201st Posting!

Happy 201st post everyone! This is a HUGE moment for Byte-Sized, and I want to take a second to thank you all for coming back here three times a week for some of the coolest news on the web and some (I hope) fun color commentary.
We couldn't have made it this far without you all! Yay!
Now, time for some headlines ...
-If the idea of unplugging from all technology for a weekend makes you shudder in cold fright, don't fret: You're not alone. New research suggests that we are a nation obsessed with gadgets, including cell phones, digital TV, PCs ... Quelle surprise.
-The cell phone safety debate rages on ... and I'm not talking about whether it's safe to talk and drive (never *ever* text and drive -- are you crazy?!), I mean the bodily issues associated with pressing a small electronic object transmitting waves and waves of information against your head to talk. Yeah, that. I don't put my cell phone under my pillow anymore, and rarely by my bed. Not sure why ...
-Gmail suffered a huge outage yesterday afternoon that left millions without access to their email. Find out what happened.
-In honor of Disney's Marvel-ous play into the world of comics -- and the toddler running around my house doing 'Spider-man hands' for the last six months -- check out This USAToday blog is full of all things pop culture, but Whitney et all loves her comics/graphic novels. She's always got the latest news and indepth coverage of the cons and the people!
-Want to see something amazing? Check out this real house built entirely out of Legos. The walls are shiny, and I love the design colors! It's part of a UK reality TV show.
-Hm. Apparently shooting up gangsters and running over pedestrians actually helps with ad recall in video games. Is it that the billboards are splattered with blood? Violence equals ad dollars. Write that one down, future CEOs.